Does Your Ethnicity Impact Your Risk for Hair Loss?

Although losing some hair is normal as you age, your ethnicity could affect when and how much hair loss occurs. This can  be due to genetic factors, cultural practices or a combination of both.

Understanding Ethnic Hair Types:

Hair can be divided into four categories based on ethnicity:

  • Caucasian or European
  • African-American
  • West Asian
  • East Asian

Each ethnicity exhibits specific characteristics. Caucasians tend to have the greatest number of hair follicles. African-Americans tend to have the fewest hair follicles but have thicker hair strands. West Asians have thicker hairs with fewer follicles, and those from East Asia have thinner hair with more follicles.

These different traits affect the appearance of hair, including its thickness and fullness. In addition, Asians often have the strongest hair strands with the least amount of breakage.

Hair Loss Risks for Different Ethnicities :

Hair loss patterns specific to ethnic groups include:

  • More male pattern baldness among Caucasians and those of Indian descent
  • Earlier hair loss among Caucasians
  • Lowest hair loss rates among Asians, especially in Japan
  • Highest rates of hair loss in those from Northern Africa
  • High rates of hair loss in Hispanics with mostly Spanish ancestry

Tight hairstyles typical of some cultural groups may also lead to increased hair loss.

Managing and Preventing Hair Loss:

Taking good care of your hair and your overall health can minimize your risk for hair loss. Eating a nutritious diet with plenty of fruits and vegetables ensures adequate nutrient intake so that your body can repair any damage your hair sustains.

Check your hair care products for harsh chemicals, and switch to products with all-natural ingredients. Avoid pulling your hair too tight or using excessive heat when styling.

If you’re in an ethnic group more prone to hair loss than others, you don’t have to consider yourself doomed by your genes. Should you experience unwanted hair loss, schedule a consultation with Dr. Bared.  He’s a top hair restoration surgeon and can help you restore the look you desire.

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